We know how much a sponsorship from your company would help us, as we continue our visits to facilites and organizations. A donation is not only a gift to an organization, or to a group of people, or even to a herd of horses. Sponsorship is a gift to someone just waiting for a few minutes of laughter and love. We need the assistance of you, your business, or your company to help Minis and Friends to continue our exciting programs.
Your sponsorship would cover many costs including:
• transportation & gas
​• mini-corrals
• special needs for our various programs
• general liability insurance for all working minis
• mini visits to people young and old throughout the greater Lubbock area and surrounding counties
As we all know, without sponsors and donations, we could not provide and present our loving minis to those in need. We sincerely appreciate all the donations and assistance we get from our sponsors! Take a look at the many different sponsors we have supporting us. Thank you very much for your support!